Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Joshua Davis

We were given a group of names and asked to research them, one of which that stood out for me was Joshua davis.

"Joshua davis pioneered web design in the early 1990s and is now a master of the medium through his commercial work for Kioken in New York and experimental projects such as PrayStation for which he won the Prix Ars Electronica 2001, the prestigious digital art prize.
If it wasn’t for Joshua Davis, the internet would not only look completely different, but function differently too."
source -

It seems he has worked for everyone from BMW to Kanye West and Canon to Nokia.
He's website making machine.
here is a one of many posters he made for a music company called ming dynasty www.mingdynasty.tv

He has an incredible portfolio which can be found here - www.joshuadavis.com/

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